A Mother's Thank You
This beautiful note came in from North Carolina:
Tonight I laid our blanket on our daughter's bed; a year and a half after first receiving it at New Hanover Hospital (Wilmington). She had been transferred to the hospital when a routine blood draw returned abnormal results. She was 6 months old. I had watched her lifeless body be transferred by ambulance; an image I'll never forget. When they placed her in the hospital bed, it resembled more of a cage- too big for a bassinet, too little for a bed. Tubes and monitors were hooked to her and the room was buzzing around me. The nurse brought in this pink blanket and it seemed to swallow my daughter. But, I had come with nothing. It was supposed to just be a routine check at the doctor's office. And there I was, with a inconsolable child and a pink blanket.
Today, this blanket is our oldest's favorite. She sleeps with it nightly. While she was too young to remember her sister at that time, it somehow brings her comfort and me, too. Both daughters are thriving, growing like weeds. We are lucky. We count our blessings. And when we do, we think of you. Thank you to the souls who bring comfort to those who you may never know; you're doing God's work! We are forever thankful!
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