Project Linus blankets can be quilted, crocheted, knitted, or no-sew fleece. Blanket patterns can be found in numerous places, including the Internet as well as local craft stores -- way too many to attempt to list here. Project Linus National features dozens of patterns on their web site. Feel free to find one or more that work for you so being a Project Linus blanketeer is fun and enjoyable for you, resulting in a colorful, made-with-love blanket for a deserving child in our community.
If you want to make a soft, cuddly no-sew fleece blanket, here are two patterns for finishing the edges. You can also finish a fleece blanket with a crocheted border -- some sample patterns can be found here.
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Vestibulum tempor nunc nec felis scelerisque eget elementum erat dignissim. Ut vel ipsum mollis orci venenatis luctus. Aenean vehicula quam vel quam porttitor ac iaculis elit pulvinar. Proin consequat, ipsum eu venenatis semper, justo turpis posuere tortor, ac placerat metus nisl et lectus. Nulla cursus dui id nunc ullamcorper sed semper nisl lobortis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus arcu ante, imperdiet in ornare sed, laoreet eu massa.