Project Linus donates blankets to children, infants through teens. Many sizes are appropriate depending on chapter need. For example, blankets could be as small as 30" X 30." The majority of Project Linus blankets are about 54" X 60" (1 1/2 yards fleece). Blankets could be as large as twin size for teens.
Remember that these blankets should be colorful, cheerful, and cuddly.
Recommended SIZES (measurements are approximate)
Teen-sized blankets - should be at least 2 yards in length and since polar/anti-pill fleece is usually 60" wide, a 2-yard piece of fleece makes a nice blanket for a teenager. Remember that a big blanket will fit all sizes of kids, a small blanket will fit only the little kids.
Blankets of any size will be accepted, because kids come in all different sizes!
PLEASE follow these directions, to ensure we deliver nice, cuddly, cheerful blankets to children.
For easy to follow instructions on making a no-sew fleece blanket, see below for tied knot and flat pull through fringe.
For other ways to fringe a blanket, watch this video. Or check out this document for more ideas.
Lastly, we want all ages and groups to have fun working with the very, versatile fleece but Project Linus has become one of the top children charities in the country because of our strict quality control. We want to continue this wonderful partnership with our local hospitals and child-advocacy agencies so following these guidelines is very important. If you have questions, feel free to contact the Chapter Coordinator.
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