Check out The Project Linus Story on YouTube
The Iredell Chapter of Project Linus is dedicated to providing new, handmade blankets and afghans to seriously ill or traumatized children in Iredell County. In addition to Iredell County, we also serve children in Alexander, Wilkes, Yadkin, Davie and Davidson counties. We make donations to hospitals, EMS teams, Child Protective Services and other child advocacy centers across these counties. See our complete list of recipients here.
We need your help to grow our blanket inventory. If you like to knit, crochet, or quilt, you could be a Project Linus blanketeer. If you have an hour or two, you could make an easy no-sew fleece blanket.
A blanket is like a hug when you need it the most.
Whoever said 'nothing in life is free' never met a Project Linus Blanket!
In-kind and monetary donations are also welcome. See how you can "Get Involved".
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