How Can You Help?

Over 10,000,000 blankets have been distributed nation wide!
Provide the comfort of a warm blanket to children in need.


JoAnn's in Mooresville is closing. 
Effective immediately they are no longer a drop off location for Project Linus.
You may continue to drop off blankets at the Azalea Corner Quilt Shop.
We are seeking new drop off locations in Mooresville.
I will post those details as they become available.
Thank you for your patience and on-going support.

Do you have bins of scrap fabric that you don’t know what to do with it?   This fundraising event features a total of 7 patterns you will be able to download, one pattern released every two weeks, beginning Saturday, March 8. You can register for this new fundraiser beginning on Saturday, February 15
Click here for more information.
"A Thread of Hope,Stitch of Faith,Covered in Love,Wrapped up in Hope,Safe from Fear,Never Alone"
Blankets Delivered:  4Q24: 180   Since Inception in 2017: 3415
Launched in December 1995, Project Linus has grown to over 400 chapters nationwide and donated over 10 million blankets to children across the country.  The Iredell County Chapter of Project Linus (also serving Alexander, Wilkes, Yadkin, Davie and Davidson counties) was established in early 2017 to provide blankets to traumatized children in our communities and to provide a fun, rewarding service opportunity for people who enjoy making life a bit more cheerful for sick, homeless, or abused children.  Since launching in March 2017, we have delivered over 3000 blankets to children in need in our community.  Thank you Blanketeers!

Project Linus was named after the adorable security blanket-toting character from the Peanuts(c) comic strip.  Creator Charles Schultz was aware of our efforts and was delighted to have Linus inspire blanket makers to help comfort children in need.  "The best kind of sleep under heaven above, is under a blanket handmade with love."

You can help by becoming a blanketeer, donating materials to make blankets, hosting a Make A Blanket Day, or making a monetary tax-deductible donation.  Are you ready to "Get Involved" ?


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